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Discover useful information and tips on health and safety through our blog. We aim to help empower businesses, transform mindsets and educate on the changing role of health and safety.

  • Apr 27 2021

    Hospitality: Stay safe, stay open

    Vita Safety is partnering with Salford City Council to support eligible high street businesses across the city in making their premises safe for staff and customers from Covid-19.
  • Feb 06 2020

    Adverse Event Planning in Fast Growth Businesses

    As your business grows, so does the need to up your health and safety game....
  • Dec 06 2019

    Promoting a safe school environment together

    At Vita Safety, we think equipping future generations with the skills andknowledge needed to succeed...
  • Sep 18 2019

    Creating Safer Learning Environments for Children

    There were 35,041 reported accidents involving children between 2005 and 2010, according to HSE. In...
  • Jul 26 2019

    Experiential Entertainment: Case Study

    We live in a time where experiences trump material objects, which is good news for...
  • Mar 27 2019

    SME Owners: How Safe is Your Business?

    82% of occupational injuries and 90% of workplace fatalities happen in SME businesses in the...
  • Dec 06 2018

    Safely Keeping Britain Tidy

    Keep Britain Tidy is an independent UK based charity with three goals – to eliminate...
  • Sep 17 2018

    What can we do to ignite change for better mental health management?

    When was the last time you thought about how work affects your mental health –...
  • Jun 07 2018

    Addressing Mental Health and Wellbeing Culture

    Why is workers’ mental health and wellbeing that one area you can’t seem to improve?...